There are more than 100 MILLION smoking related deaths each year!  If you’re anything like most people, I’m sure that this number came as a shock to you the same as it does for most.
  • However, I have a few more frightening statistics about smoking:
  • Roughly 440,000 Americans die annually due to smoking related diseases
  • Tobacco use causes the nation nearly $100 Billion annually in medical expenses.
  • The CDC estimates at least $200 Billion in annual productivity costs.
  • 23% of Americans (Approximately 46.2 million people) smoke cigarettes.
  • Smokers are 14 times more likely to die of lung disease than a non-smoker.
  • Smokers have double the chances of having a heart attack than a non-smoker.
  • 126 million+ people are put at risk for heart disease from second hand smoke annually.
Believe it or not, I could literally go on FOREVER with these shocking and extremely frightening true statistics, but I’m sure you get the picture.Smoking Causes MANY Potentially DEADLY Side Effects!

If you are a chain or even just an occasional smoker your quality of life will still suffer drastically.
Regular Smoking will lead to the following devastating ailments!
EmphysemaKidney & Liver DiseasHeart Disease
Yellow Teeth & EyesChronic Bad BreathStroke
Throat & Lung CancerIncreased Risk of More AddictionsHigh-Blood Pressure
And MUCH more!

I’m sure that you are smart enough to realize at this point that you not only MUST quit, but you need help in doing so.  Here’s where a very common problem arises.  You see, the first step in quitting is realizing and accepting that you have a serious problem that needs proper attention immediately.

BEWARE! The WRONG Treatment Program
will be 10 Times Worse than NO Treatment at All!

Think about it.  At least if you do nothing at all about your problem, you won’t be creating NEW problems, CORRECT?  Here’s what these other companies would like for you to believe.  They want you to think that their product works when they really don’t. 
They also want you to believe that their product has no negative side effects, but it really has many. 

Side Effects with other programs may include:
NauseaInsomniaInternal Bleeding
DizzinessBack PainInfections
VomitingMood SwingsDeath
Do you understand my point here?

In the end, using the WRONG method to quit smoking will not only lessen the quality of your already not so good life, but even worse, it will get you even one step closer to the grave as you waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars in MONEY spent along with create MANY new serious health problems.

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